commit fe967433ffe227d9267abdfa14471a93f2a6a0a6
parent 741d6fca09cd3f5cfccac3be033cf214036d03ad
Author: Mattias Andrée <>
Date: Sun, 1 May 2016 01:49:20 +0200
refsheet: style consistence
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <>
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/refsheet.tex b/doc/refsheet.tex
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Unless specified otherwise, returns are {\tt void} and all parameters are of typ
\entry{znot(a, b, c)} {$a \gets \lnot b$} {bitwise, cut at highest set bit}
\entry{zlsh(a, b, c)} {$a \gets b \cdot 2^c$} {{\tt c} is a \size{}}
\entry{zrsh(a, b, c)} {$a \gets [b / 2^c]$} {ditto, rounded towards zero}
-\entry{ztrunc(a, b, c)} {$a \gets b \mod 2^c$} {ditto, {\tt a} shares signum with {\tt b}}
+\entry{ztrunc(a, b, c)} {$a \gets b \mod 2^c$} {ditto, $a$ shares signum with $b$}
\entry{zbits(a)} {Get index of highest set bit} {returns \size{}, 1 if $a = 0$}
\entry{zlsb(a)} {Get index of lowest set bit} {returns \size{}, {\tt SIZE\_MAX} if $a = 0$}
\entry{zbtest(a, b)} {Is bit $b$ in $a$ set?} {{\tt b} is a \size{}, returns {\tt int}}
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ Unless specified otherwise, returns are {\tt void} and all parameters are of typ
\entry{zbset(a, b, c, 0)} {$a \gets b$, clear bit $c$} {ditto}
\entry{zbset(a, b, c, -1)} {$a \gets b$, flip bit $c$} {ditto}
\entry{zsplit(a, b, c, d)} {$a \gets [c / 2^d]$} {{\tt d} is a \size{}, rounded towards zero}
-\entry{zsplit(a, b, c, d)} {$b \gets c \mod 2^d$} {ditto, {\tt b} shares signum with {\tt c}}
+\entry{zsplit(a, b, c, d)} {$b \gets c \mod 2^d$} {ditto, $b$ shares signum with $c$}
\textbf{Conversion to string} \\
\entryFive{zstr(a, b, c)} {Convert $a$ to decimal} {returns the resulting {\tt const char *}}
{--- {\tt b} unless {\tt b} is
- {\tt NULL}, --- {\tt c} must be}
+ {\tt NULL}, --- $c$ must be}
{either 0 or at least the length of the}
{resulting string but at most the}
{allocation size of {\tt b} minus 1}
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Unless specified otherwise, returns are {\tt void} and all parameters are of typ
\entry {zodd\_nonzero(a)} {Is $a$ odd?} {ditto, assumes $a \neq 0$}
\entry {zzero(a)} {Is $a$ zero?} {returns {\tt int} 1 (true) or 0 (false)}
\entry {zgcd(a, b, c)} {$a \gets \gcd(c, b)$} {$a < 0$ if $b < 0 \wedge c < 0$}
-\entryFive{zptest(a, b, c)} {Is $b$ a prime?} {{\tt c} runs of Miller--Rabin, returns}
+\entryFive{zptest(a, b, c)} {Is $b$ a prime?} {$c$ runs of Miller--Rabin, returns}
{{\tt enum zprimality} {\tt NONPRIME} (0)}
{(and stores the witness in {\tt a} unless}
{{\tt a} is {\tt NULL}), {\tt PROBABLY\_PRIME} (1), or}